12 Clifford Street, York YO1 9RD
Guy Fawkes might have met his maker at the Houses of Parliament but his story began in York where he was born in 1570!
In this show you'll encounter:
How was the plot foiled?
Who were the conspirators on a secret mission?
What happened to Guy Fawkes after he was caught? (euukk!!)
This is an experience filled with intrigue, conspiracy and danger. Discover The Gunpowder Plot, and what really happened beneath the Houses of Parliament on that November night in 1605.
(Obviously you shouldn't concern yourselves with a certain unlit fuse next to all the gunpowder. Just relax and enjoy the history… it's never been so explosive.)
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The York Dungeon
Address: 12 Clifford Street, York YO1 9RD
For further information or to pre-book tickets online before your visit please go to thedungeons.com/york/en/ . Reduced prices are available for tickets booked in advance!
For regular news, updates and competitions, The York Dungeon is also on Facebook facebook.com/TheYorkDungeon
Now with even funnier scripts and revamped shows, costumes and sets, we’re York’s must-see attraction.